Pessebre  Vivent de Sant Guim de la Plana

Pessebre vivent Sant Guim de la Plana


Conserved Admirations Award 2010. SOS Monuments

On January 29 we will collect this important award given by the SOS Monuments Association. The event will take place at the Miquel Llongueras de les Corts Library in Barcelona.

The award is for the work done by the La Marinada Cultural Association throughout its history.

SOS Monuments considers that what has been done so far and is being done is very important for the conservation of the architectural heritage and our history. La Marinada has dedicated efforts to locating and conserving tools and utensils of old trades, showing them in a rural setting, framed in a real setting, as the route passes through the outbuildings of farmhouses, kitchens, stables, corrals, wineries, sewers, etc. This is an ethnological task that has resulted in not losing our history and being able to show it. The nativity scene allows us to teach our recent way of life and you can admire how they were used and why all these tools and utensils were used.